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Monday, July 20, 2009

Divorce .. very unsettling

I never thought I'd end up here. It never crossed my mind. I went from having complete stability to no stability overnight. My bank account was emptied and "his" hard earned money depleted out of spite and hatred towards the only person who made sure that there was always money to fall back on. After all, we have 5 children to think about. His parents have gotten him a lawyer, helping him as parents should. However, I kept so much hidden from the world during my 8 year marriage that no one knows what went on in my home unless, you were a fly on the wall. The arguing over his drinking just became too much for me to deal with. My babies are first and foremost. Now, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to buy even food for them. The bills are gong unpaid and I now find out he is suing for custody because I have no money. Are you kidding me? I pray for some miracle every night when I go to sleep and every day when my eyes first see the light. God will answer when its time I know. But, how will I feed, clothe, and keep a roof over their heads until then? I went from 40 hours a week at work to 3 because of the economy. That resulted in an insulting $24 check to last two weeks. I am posting donation button to the right. If anyone can or would like to help me , I thank you in advance. I don't know what else to do. My resume is out there and I've sent it to everywhere I could think of. My heart is breaking not for myself but again, for my kids. They don't deserve this. I am so ashamed.