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Friday, May 25, 2007

Time to Trim the Bush (Administration)

I admit I was naive to the promises that the current President Bush so cunningly presented to the American people when he began is first campaign. I fell for is charming southern ways, his fun loving personality and is faith in God. But this love affair has ended for me. I finally have opened my eyes to see the chaos that he has created.

Yes September 11th is a day I will never forget. I saw things that year that both broke my heart and at the same time filled me with pride. I too was ready to take on whomever stood in the way of my country. I once knew what it felt like to have the American pride my grandpa spoke of. But i didn't let that stop me from shaking hands, hugging, and befriending those who are foreign to this nation.

I remember going to the grocery store. I had on my glorified colors, chest out , no one could knock me down. I walked through that store looking for anything else red, white and blue I could get my hands on when I saw first hand what others that are visitors here were going through. A Muslim father pushing is 2 young children in the cart, not blinking an eye as he stared at the floor while others whispered and mocked is culture. His children bright eyed and smiling, not a clue as to the world around them crumbling. I couldn't help myself but feel the pain he was enduring, though it wasn't his fault. A voice inside me rhetoric from years past played in my head. Treat others as you want to be treated. I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked over. I graciously stuck out my hand not sure if he would accept. I felt the stares. He looked up you could see a small bit of relief as e extended his hand to mine. No words exchanged, there need not be. But, September 11th has come and gone.

This used to be a great nation, we're more divided than we've ever been. In some aspects it still is and it can be with the right leadership. Unfortunately, the Bush administration was the wrong choice and I hope we have learned from our mistakes. We need drastic reform to bring back the nation we so loved before we created a vengeance that may be difficult to undo.

Our own government as lead us in the direction of hate and have turned the world against us. Everyday it seems we, the American people, are punished for actions that yes we may have condoned in the beginning, but thought by now there would've been an end to it all. There is no easy solution. No matter what the decision is there will be opposers. There will always be the what ifs, whys and how's.We have made enemies of those who once were our allies. We are fighting wars in two countries and with the Bush Administration on it's way out, I'm afraid to think ahead on where we will be lead next. There's no end in sight for our troops. They are suffering in more ways than we are. Divorce rates in the military are rising. The children of those serving are suffering and becoming statistics. By no means is this writing to be against our brave men and women. They are there because of our government. Yes they entered the military by choice. Some to carry on family tradition and some fight to protect our nation. They should be commended for their duty. When our country called they followed. My grandpa and his brothers did the same in WWII as did his father in previous wars and so on. Vietnam included. Look what we've done to those men and women. How many of you remove your hat, salute and thank a veteran for fighting for your rights and country no matter what the circumstance? Have you ever sat with one of those men one time and listened to the pride in his voice even after he lost both legs and 10o friends he so willingly calls his brothers. By no means is it their fault we went in with blind eyes then and we've done it again.

Our own oil companies are single-handedly draining our pockets while reaping the rewards. They know we can't live without oil, whether it's to get to work or eat our homes. We need it. For large families like mine. The only vehicle we fit in are the guzzlers. When you add in the fact that minimum wage is only $5.15 and hour, we are paying half of our salary to put gas in the vehicles just to get to work and school. That doesn't leave much for food and necessities. Yes it was announced that minimum wage will go up by the end of summer and by the end of the year again. But how does that help now and will it really be a Godsend? It seems like yes this is going to help out the American workforce now? Factor in the minimum wage increase and the rise in fuel prices, our food and necessities will follow suit, as they are doing so now. Businesses are going to continue to pass their costs onto the consumer which puts us back into the situation we are already in. Jobs will be lost, homes will be lost and goods may be harder to come by. We're going to see more people signing onto welfare just to be able to thrive in this country.

I know what it's like to have to choose between food and heat. I don't know what to say when my 5 year old asks if we're poor. I'm rich in the sense I have my family, I have my faith and I've been blessed with love. But I am poor when it comes to finances. We were thrilled when my husband landed a decent paying job after we struggled to make ends meet. We finally were able to get off of assistance, buy our house and support our family. Were is the key word here. We are back to square one. I've taken a part time job and I work around my husbands schedule. But business isn't quite taking off this year. I was making $300.00 every 2 weeks, my last paycheck $25.00. The hours aren't there. This isn't working. We're struggling. Seeing my first nephew after his birth will not happen. We had planned and saved for the last 9 months for this special occasion, the funds are no depleted and the chances of going are getting slimmer everyday.

It's time the presidential candidates start looking at the lives of the middle and lower class Americans and come up with a solution. The gap between the rich and the poor is rapidly growing. Why are the wealthy not penalized for taking a private jet cross country to have dinner and shop? Why not require that more refineries be built? Since the activists, and political figures have changed regulations and made it harder for the current refineries to run their course, we are the ones it affects. Years back there were no problem. We had gas ... it was affordable because no one messed with it. Global warming .. blah blah.. by the time my great great grand children's grandchildren are here they will have taken over technology and come up with environmental cars. But we need help now!

Why is the government turning the cold shoulder to those who really need it. I am ashamed that I voted for the current government. I myself do not want to support anyone that President Bush is endorsing. Like I said before.... the love affair is over. I'm ready to put on my work gloves and trim the Bush Administration and bring in someone who fights for OUR people. .

Monday, May 14, 2007

Celebrities stingy?

I was watching the news this morning about 3 yr old Maddy MCCann. She was abducted last week through her resort flat window while vacationing with her family. I am impressed and amazed at the numerous British celebrities who have donated millions to find this child. Although at the same time I am saddened by that as well. Every minute in this world a child is abducted and yet, do you hear about it? We mostly hear of the high profile cases. Rich families seem to take the spotlight away from the impoverished ones.
My next complaint would is why don't the American celebrities do this as well? Are they that stuck up in "their world" to help raise funds when a child goes missing? Take Trenton Duckett (2) of Leesburg, Fla for instance. His family came up with a mere $20,000 give or take. They had Mark Lunsford, father of Jessie Lunsford who met her fate in the hands of a repeat sex offender, AMW John Walsh, father of murdered Adam Walsh (killer unknown) and Nancy Grace. Yet, no one capable of donating large amounts to bring this baby back to his family came forward? Too busy? The money raised came from Trenton Duckett's father, Josh Duckett's persistant outcry to the public, and local businesses. But the small donations were thwarted by the family of baby Trenton's mother, Melinda Duckett. Melinda committed suicide 2 weeks after her son went missing. If she knew where he was , she took it to her grave. We are Americans. We've always been the ones to open our hearts and our pockets, tight as they may be to come to the aid of others. Are celebrities that live in this nation too good to help aid in child abduction donations?
The celebrities overseas should be commended for thei help with Maddy's reward fund. They include Simon Cowell, JK Rowlings, The Beckum's, and a business man (who I apologize to for forgetting his name, but made the first donation) and I'm sure I'm missing other names as well.
I will continue to pray for the Duckett's. Trenton has found a special place in my heart. Never will I give up hope. My prayers to Maddy's family and all the other children that are stripped from their lives and families lives.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mom's Day!

Today is my 12th year of being a mom. I love being a mom, though sometimes it's very trying, stressful and chaotic. How else would anyone want to live their life? Sitting back alone in a sitting chair watching the clouds role by? Or would you like to view the world through a child's eyes and view life in the purest, adventurous way possible. I'll keep the latter!
Happy Mom's Day to all the Mom's who know how to see the world from a different view.


Why is it that a person finds themselves trying to prove something to another? Not in a competitive sense, but a inner longing to do so.
As a child my dad was absent quite a bit,whether it be an affair,drinking, work or what not. I remember finding myself often scared to death when he would go on his alcohol rages, which lead to added stress on my mom. I soon came to know the evil things a parent can say. : I should have had an abortion," "it's your fault your dad's gone," " we never wanted you," should I go on? I grew up wit this empty hole inside that has never been filled. My grandparents were the only ones I had that were stable and yet I still have the empty feeling.
My mom has now found God, remarried and for the most part has done a 360. On the other hand, my dad found his wife (affair) and decided to have kids and adopt more. The constant rubbing in your face about the things they buy for them or the time they spend on expensive vacations are enough to kill someone who longed just to know her daddy. I put up a false front, a smile that hides the crushing of my heart. I've never asked for anything materialistic from my daddy. Just love. The kind of love that I've seen other daddy's and daughters share.
Now I find myself always dropping whatever I'm doing to help him and his family but in return.. not even a thank you, almost like it's expected of me. I still have that empty feeling. It never goes away. I get the comment quite often asking why am I trying to prove myself to him. I step back look at the events and answer every time......because he's my daddy.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Sony Walkman NW-S705F _My Review

I got a steal online for the Sony Walkman 2GB NW S705F with noise cancelling earbuds. Retails in excess of $234.00 on some sites.
I have to give Sony props on this one. I read reviews the Sonic software and was pleasantly surprised that it's not that bad. My music transferred in under 10 secs. (I just added my music that was already on my computer.) My device itself is pink but, I would say more Rose colored. Very shiny and attractive. It is not as light as I'd of imagined either, very sturdy little thing. It also has a FM tuner in it. Again, I was shocked at the stations that came it picked up and the clarity (Can't get that on your Ipod.) I'm probably the only one left on the Earth who does not own any kind of an Apple Ipod. So for me to be able to figure this out was very easy. I was at first thinking I got ripped off because I saw no screen. Found it though when I plugged it into the computer. The screen actually glows though the device. All this and the fact that it takes 3 minutes to charge and will play for up to 50 hrs just on that charge. Awesome!! My only regret is not buying more..... I could kick myself!!So if you find a deal on one of these...definately don't hesitate, GET IT!